Skiving knife sheath
A knife needs it’s sheath. So I maid one for my skiving knife. A simple design to cover the blade.
To prevent that the knife cut the seam you place a shim-piece with the same thickness as the knife blade around the edge of the sheath. Not the best picture but it shows the shim. The stitches should be placed in the middle of the shim.
I glue the two parts together with the shim before I made the stitching holes whit a diamond chisel. I also made a channel, whit a groover, in which stitching can be set so they will be more straight aligned. Then it was time for dyeing. Green of course. Or maybe it was the only color I had at home…
But… I realized that I had forgotten to cut the edges before dyeing. When trying to fix this and didn’t wait until the dye was completed dry and took wrong edge bevel at first, some of the edges became a bit uneven and to much removed. Well, well… Try to hide it under the strap for closing.
For the burning of the edges I tried tokonole for the first time. I choose to bye transparent to be able to dye the edges whit a marker of some color and then burn them. I experienced tokonole easier to handle then edge dye and not risking a lot of black dots and bleeding edges.
To close the knife sheath I put a snap button on the strap. Finnish result: